Avenir has represented Titab Pac AB, Norrköping in two disputes against the Finnish company HPP Europe Oy, which has sued Titab Pac twice at Norrköping District Court. In the first dispute, Titab Pac made a counter claim regarding payment for an order for bottle filling and certain material, whereby HPP was obliged to pay about SEK 900,000 to Titab for the order, according to a judgment from the court in the middle of 2016. Due to that HPP didn´t payed in accordance with the verdict, we applied for foreclosure on Titab’s behalf at the Finnish Utsökningsverket, which resulted in that HPP at last had to pay the entire sum including interest. Although HPP in the first dispute denied that any order was made, the company sued Titab Pac again in the spring of 2018 regarding issuance of the “ordered” delivery and payment of approximately SEK 3 million for damages etc. due to alleged errors in delivered goods and non-delivery of some bottles. Titab disputed the claim and after lengthy negotiations in the district court, HPP completely reversed, and an agreement was concluded resulting in HPP having to withdraw its case and pay all of Titab Pac’s costs.